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Each full moon has a special name and significance to it.

In the past, mankind was far more connected to nature tha it is today. Even as they celebrated the change in seasons, the wheel of the year was timed by the lunar calenderical system in most native or pagan cultures such as Native American, Celtic (European), Vedic (Indian) and so on. It meant that each full moon marked the completion of a monthly cycle, and is celebrated as an Esbat (lunar festival). Full moons signify the fullness of life, abundance, and completion. Each full moon has an unique name and significance attribued to it. They are :

Wolf moon
The Native American culture culture observed that wolves were always seen in packs during this cold winter season, and hence the name. Its also called Birch moon, taking its name from the sacred tree of Celtic origins. Other names for the January moon includes Cold Moon, Quiet Moon and Little Winter Moon.
Last seen 30 January

Candle moon

Imbolc, a major Wiccan sabbat (solar festival) on 2nd February, celebrated the ‘quickening’ of the earth goddess as she gains fertility in anticipation of brighter days with the winte receding. Candles are often lit to celebrate this festival and referred to as the Candlemas. It is also called by names like Candle moon, Quickening moon, Horning moon and Wild moon.
To appear on 28 February

Wind moon

The season in many parts of the northern hemisphere turns harsh in March, therefore its called the Wind moon or Storm moon. It is also called Crow Moon as the cawing of crows signalled the end of winter months. Since it coincides with the festival of Eostara, which is the Spring equinox around 21 March, it is called Sugar moon, Egg moon, Sap moon in honor of earth’s fertility
To appear on- 29 March

Frog moon

Since April is considered to be the month of sringtime and fertility of earth. Its also earned other names like Hare moon or Frog moon as these animals are said to be the most active. The merry mood of the season has also earned names like Merry moon and Bright moon.
To appear on – 28 April

Milk moon
Its the time to celebrate Beltane, a solar festival(2 May). Its also called Corn moon and Milk moon to honour the bounty of the summer season.
To appear on – 27 May

Meade moon

June is the month for fairy or Wiccan festival of Midsummer (around 21 June, a solstice when the day is longest). The full moon in this month is called Meade moon as it is time to make sweet mead, Honey moon, Rose moon as well as Lovers moon in honour of the warm to ‘hot ‘ season of summer.
To appear on – 26 June

Thunder Moon
Thunder moon Thunder and rain are a common feature in many parts of the world, which is why the moon sighted around this time is called Thunder Moon or Blessing moon as rain is essential to the earth. It is also referred to as the Hay moon or the Buck moon.
To appear on – 25 July

Loaf moon
Its the month of Lughnasad (1 August), a solstice marking the first harvest. Lammas or Loaf Mass is considered sacred to the Irish sun god Lugh. Thus it is called the Loaf moon, Grain Moon or Fertile Moon.
To appear on – 24 August

Wine moon

With the celebration of Mabon, the solar festival, its harvest time around this time. This moon is called Wine moon, Barley moon, Harvest moon and Singing moon as it symbolizes harvest of fruits and vines.
To appear on – 23rd September

Blood moon

The Blood moon sighting takes place when the season changes from autumn to winter with the leaves appearing red. It is said that even the moon takes on the hues of red. This is also the year’s final harvest and blood refers to harvest and fertility as well. It is also referred to as the Travel moon and the Hunting moon as the season is conducive for all these activities.
To appear on – 22 October 2010

Snow moon

With the onset of winter, the climate turns darker and nights shorter. This aspect of the season lends its name to the full moon sighting, which is called Snow moon, Dark moon and Shedding moon as the trees get more naked.
To appear on – 21 November

Oak moon
Its the month of the solar festival called Yule – its peak of winters and the sun is set for a rebirth. The full moon around this time is called Long Night moon , Big winter moon and Oak Moon (as the Oak king – god of summer wins over winter’s Ivy King, and makes powerful comeback)
To appear on – 21 December

Interesting Article in the newspaper TOI